New life-saving Australian Design Rule to Protect Motorcycle Riders

From the office of: The Hon Paul Fletcher MP, Minister for Urban Infrastructure
Riding a motorcycle in Australia will soon be much safer following new regulations requiring advanced braking systems to be fitted to new bikes from November 2019.
Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure Paul Fletcher approved the Australian Design Rule this week and said the requirements will ensure new motorcycles sold in Australia feature the same life-saving braking technologies currently required in Europe, Japan and a number of other major markets around the world.
“Motorcycle riders represent around 18 per cent of all road deaths and 22 per cent of hospitalisations. This means that per kilometre travelled, an Australian motorcycle rider faces 20 times more risk of being killed in a crash than that of a car occupant,” Mr Fletcher said.
“Providing bike riders with machines capable of slowing and stopping more quickly and safely is one way we can help ensure that the risks associated with motorcycle riding are significantly reduced.
“Over a 15-year period, we anticipate these systems will save close to 600 motorcyclist lives, while providing a net benefit to the community of over $1.6 billion.”
The advanced braking technologies to be required as standard motorcycle equipment in Australia include Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS) and Combined Braking Systems (CBS).
“Research has shown that ABS and CBS can reduce motorcycle related road trauma in Australia by more than 30 per cent,” Mr Fletcher said.
“With motorcycles currently the fastest growing vehicle type, widespread fitment of this safety technology will make a real impact on reducing fatalities on Australia’s roads each year by ensuring that the safest motorcycles are made available to Australians at the lowest cost.”
The introduction of advanced braking systems for motorcycles was agreed to under action item 16c of the National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020, and action item 7 of the National Road Safety Action Plan 2015-17.